“100% security” is language commonly thrown around in the cybersecurity community and it’s often difficult to justify or live up to the hype. However, following a recent and rigorous test by cybersecurity firm Unit 221B and notable influencer Lance James, Deep Instinct is thrilled that its Prevention Platform was able to live up to its 100% prevention promise, 100% of the time.

Unit 221B recently released the official results of its recent assessment of Deep Instinct’s Prevention Platform, which involved a variety of tests across several major categories – including portable, unknown, custom, and Python executables, as well as static, dynamic, network, behavioral analysis and signature detection. The test results were off the charts with Deep Instinct proving 100% prevention capabilities across: 

  • Every unknown malicious portable executable with an authentic code-signing certificate;
  • All custom malicious Word, Excel, and OneNote documents, links, HTAs, VBS, and other Active Script, PowerShell, and other type files created – including signed and obfuscated attacks specifically for this assessment and featured techniques commonly used to evade EDR detection; and
  • All custom ransomware that used various methods of delivery, zero-day ransomware attacks, and execution for every PowerShell sample tested as well as posh C2-generated shellcode.

Listen to the conversation with both Chuck Everette, Deep Instincts Director of Cybersecurity Advocacy, as well as Lance James, CEO and Founder of Unit 221B.