Founded in 1990, World Wide Technology (WWT), a global technology solutions provider leading the AI and Digital Revolution, with $20 billion in annual revenue, combines the power of strategy, execution and partnership to accelerate digital transformational outcomes for large public and private organizations around the world. Through its Advanced Technology Center, a collaborative ecosystem of the world’s most advanced hardware and software solutions, WWT helps customers and partners conceptualize, test and validate innovative technology solutions for the best business outcomes and then deploys them at scale through its global warehousing, distribution and integration capabilities.

We recently interviewed Mike Cervasio, Global Practice Manager at WWT, a Riverbed partner. He discussed the company’s success and strategic focus, highlighting the importance of its culture and customer-centric approach. He also discussed the challenges faced by customers in the digital world, such as the need for observability and practical AI in IT operations. Mike and Julian discussed the challenges of integrating third-party applications and the need for a strategic blueprint in technology infrastructure. They emphasized the importance of not discarding existing investments and the need for a rationalized tool set and showcase MVP to demonstrate the art of the possible.