With so many public social networks on the market, why would having a private social network for your channel partner community matter? Sure, much can be done on public platforms, but the problem is that it is PUBLIC! It is not a place to engage deeper or confidentially with partners. You certainly do not want some of these discussions or content to be public. It’s one of the reasons why you got a secure PRM in the first place.

Enter Channeliser… A private social networking platform developed in the UK by two women whose past experience confirms their deep understanding of channel partner development at the DNA level.

The platform is like a hybrid between LinkedIn and Facebook with some special features like scheduling. It is a private place where vendors and all of its employees can engage in all levels of their channel partners to communicate, collaborate and build stronger relationships.

It significantly boosts the performance and stickiness of any PRM by engaging the partners on deeper and more meaningful ways. The really cool thing is that vendors and partners do not need to do anything further to sign up or on! By simply logging onto their PRM portal, the system will be instantly available live to the users. Everyone can start using it instantly! It is also very intuitive as it follows all the same principals of the other popular social networks.

Within the private social network, partners and vendors can now collaborate securely on anything, anytime and anywhere–in private. Users can ask questions to other users. They can post and share content to help each other. Upcoming events can be pushed and scheduled. It’s like having a private channel partner community that supports each other’s success! Of course the vendor can leverage the tool to instantly communicate with their partners privately or as a group and monitor all activities in real-time! You will quickly realize the wide range of benefits once you see your partners using it live!

Most good things can take a lot of effort to implement and cost small fortunes. Channeliser breaks this rule. The company will plug it into your PRM behind your current login gate. Once the users are in, they will have full access to use the platform. There is no need to for anyone to re-register! It is 100% plug and play when it is live!

Every vendor wants to engage deeper with their channel partners using their partner portal! Most already understand the challenges in achieving this objective. Most PRM portals offer similar functionalitymore or less. All are constantly adding more functionality to keep up with the competition. None have a social media networking platform! Channel managers understand that the way to engage deeper with their partners through their portal is to make it more “sticky” and they know the many ways to do this. That said, the ultimate stickiness may be adding a private Channeliser social media platform. This may be the “Crazy-Glue” of stickiness! Maybe worth it to investigate if it is a good fit for your company!

For more information or to connect with the developers go to www.channeliser.com