9.5 C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

A Model for Effective SMART Goal Setting for Team Leaders: The C3 Principle

Goal setting is at the core of leading a team, and it’s often the way leaders provide challenges, focus and motivation to their team. But goal-setting needs a structure to make...

AI in Coaching: Breaking Down Barriers or Building Walls?

It’s clear that AI, or artificial intelligence, is becoming increasingly prevalent across various industries and aspects of our daily lives. When we think of AI, we often associate it with innovation...

Sara Gilbert helps entrepreneurs reach a whole new level of success

Sara explains how mastermind sessions allow entrepreneurs to step back from the busyness of the business and look into the strategy and deep issues of the business. Many of the resellers...

Annual Strategic Planning: The Coach Approach

Having a strategic plan for your business is like having a compass when you go hiking in the woods. It’s like taking a map with you before you head off on...

Corporate Coaching: Guiding Leaders In A Rapidly Evolving Workplace

“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” – Timothy Gallwey This famous quote by Gallwey, author of The Inner...

High-Performance Team Essentials: How to Build Teams That Succeed

What is meant by a high-performance team? The term ‘high-performance team’ is being used more and more in organizations and amongst coaches and consultants. Although there are varying definitions, it tends to...

Blue Rhino Sales at ChannelNext West 2017

Blue Rhino offers Sales as a Service to help SMBs with their expertise to accommodate certain budget or needs.  They can help in many ways: pilot a product, fill the pipeline,...

The Shocking Reasons Behind a Company’s HR Failures

How painful for them, and how unnecessary. It seems that sometimes companies with fewer employees assume that they don’t need HR expertise. While the number of employees in a company is...

Gradient MSP: Helping MSPs Make More with Less

Gradient MSP, a leader in innovative solutions for Managed Service Providers (MSPs), recently announced StackTracker, a revolutionary SaaS product designed to redefine the way MSPs track their business and make strategic,...

Glynis Devine Teaches People To Do What They Do BETTER

Glynis bases her teaching around Core Motive, what values we align with.  For her, Mastermind sessions allow to take in all the expertise in the room and co-create solutions together.  It...