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Thursday, May 2, 2024

MasterChat Episode #4: Nailing Cyber Security

Every MSP must be offering some level of cyber security protection service to their customers. Whatever technology stack you offer is entirely up to you. If you need some insights on...

The Great Resignation vs. The Great Retain

Are you part of the great resignation? If you’re not, chances are you know someone who is. The great resignation is real and affects companies everywhere; many companies have been greatly...

MasterChat Episode #2: Tools for MSPs

There are MANY experts or organizations that help MSPs that we support. We recommend to leverage several to reach your goals. It’s one reason why we offer affordable memberships at only...

MasterChat Episode #11: Modern Market Research

Why do any Market Research at all? Well, you don’t have to and just go with your gut feeling. That can work so long as your gut syncs with the buyers....

Intro to “Real Results in a Virtual Economy” Book

Learn about a new book that will help you to help your customers to go all-in with a digital first business transition. Dr. Denis Cauvier is a best selling author that has...

The Surprising Problem with Coaching for HR Professionals

HR leaders often tell me that it’s their job to coach.  After all, they’re responsible for addressing issues and giving feedback to others about how their managerial style is impacting their team members,...

Establishing Trust and Psychological Safety in the Workplace: 3 Strategies For Your Team

What is psychological safety? Amy Edmondson, an organizational behavioral scientist and professor at Harvard Business School first identified the concept of psychological safety in work teams back in 1999.  More recently she published...

Mastermind Sessions at ChannelNext East 2018

The express train is leaving the station…will you be on it? My IT business was growing, but not at the pace I wanted.  I had a long list of new services I...

Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Podcast Episode 12- channelwise: Coaching Platform

Presenter: Kathryn Rose, Founder, channelwise Kathryn Rose, explained the Channelwise platform's unique features, such as the ability to engage with experts without sharing personal information, the option for private expert networks within...

Why Customer Loyalty Matters Now More Than Ever

Customer loyalty is always important to every business. Without it, a business will eventually fail. However, depending on the business and the economic conditions, many businesses can get away with some...