Aline Hayoub

How painful for them, and how unnecessary. It seems that sometimes companies with fewer employees assume that they don’t need HR expertise. While the number of employees in a company is one determining factor for HR needs, it is never too soon to increase your HR knowledge as a business owner. Why? No matter the size of your business, if you make HR mistakes you will most certainly be paying the price.

Our conclusion is that there is a need for solid HR advice for Small Business that is readily available and accessible. Aline Ayoub HR, with our many years on the front lines of HR is in a unique position to fill this gap with content that speaks to the issues that you care about. We are very excited to invite you to the first issues of  Total HR Empowerment for Small Business.

We are passionate at getting business owners up the HR learning curve at Ayoub HR Consulting. In each issue we will focus on the most pressing HR issues facing business owners in our rapidly changing business environment.

The business environment grows ever more challenging and dynamic. In our bi-weekly series you will be introduced to both advice and tools to empower you as a business owner with HR knowledge and skills! We aim to help you position your business for exciting growth through the power of people!

Aline Ayoub