Zadara recently announced the release of its latest eBook that takes a look at what is needed for successful IT service provider relationships. Emphasizing collaboration, competitiveness and compatibility, the eBook is meant to be a guide for enterprise IT teams, CIOs, CTOs, data administrators, systems architects, and managed service providers on how to navigate the three most common cloud operating model challenges – unpredictable costs, data sovereignty and performance.

Mark Lewis, Head of Product Marketing at Zadara, provided insights into the motivation behind the ebook research, emphasizing the importance of understanding the problems they are solving for their customers and partners.

Julian and Mark engaged in a detailed discussion about the multifaceted challenges of cloud lock-in, data sovereignty, compliance issues, and performance concerns. They explored the implications of these challenges for customers and the strategies to navigate them, including the adoption of modern apps and Kubernetes to mitigate lock-in and the importance of data sovereignty in ensuring compliance with local legislation and privacy regulations.

To download the e-book mentioned during the interview, click here

Check out our past interview with Zadara’s CEO: