After the recent closure of our main IT industry news media competitor in Canada, you’d think we’d be celebrating, but we’re not!

By default, we are now the longest-running news media organization in the Canadian channel, and while the collapse of our competition drove us to #1, that was never our goal. We simply wanted to be a relevant news media organization for our channel community, which we have served for the past three decades.

The news media has come under increasing strain over the last decade. The news game is complicated and expensive, and advertisers are primarily concerned with ROI. The pandemic has since added to the noise by creating countless beginner “podcasters”. With AI, the news game is changing yet even more.

News media raises awareness, which is a ROI, but it cannot be quantified in terms of immediate sales leads. When you combine consistent news media coverage, effective public relations, and clever advertising, the result is a significantly greater ROI. Smart marketers understand this.

News media, like all businesses in a digital-first world, must adapt or die! Channel media is no different. Video (and podcast) content is today’s dominant media by far. Your thought leadership on social networks is crucial (particularly on LinkedIn for the IT industry).

Today, the company brand matters less than the people who represent the company. People want to hear from the people behind the brands!

eChannelNEWS is constantly evolving to ensure we meet the needs of our community and always go towards where the “puck” is going. We always believe we can do better!

We remain committed to providing the best news that will help our channel community overcome challenges and expand their businesses. If it’s about the Channel, we’re on it!

If you were previously with our competitor, we welcome you with open arms to subscribe and follow us! You are not alone, and I am convinced that if you look into what we have to offer, you will discover many things that will help you and your business.

Start today by simply subscribing for FREE to eChannelNEWS. Follow us on our new eChannelNews page on LinkedIn where we will continue to post a selection of our news content.

That’s all you need to do to help us build a bigger, better and stronger news media to serve your needs!

If you prefer, you can follow us on your favourite podcast platform or YouTube! We also just launched a brand new LinkedIn page for channel events ChannelNext Events and another for our latest mission Cybersecurity Defense Ecosystem Just follow to get the feeds.

Our primary company page is always TechnoPlanet (Publisher of eChannelNEWS)

Keep news media strong! Your support really matters!