Modern desktop computers sit idle virtually the entire day while we
read or type. Userful leverages this unused computing power to create
an environmentally efficient alternative to traditional desktop
computing. Up to 10 users can work on a single computer by simply
attaching extra monitors, mice and keyboards.

“Computer hardware production and disposal is one of the fastest
growing threats to our environment. Powering and cooling computers is
an increasing contributor to global warming,” says Timothy Griffin,
President of Userful. “It feels good to help people around the world
Go Green. In fact, last year our users more than doubled the previous
year’s savings, meaning that in the last 2 years Userful technology
has eliminated the equivalent CO2 of taking over 7300 cars off the

Userful desktops have been deployed around the world with a typical
configuration of 6 stations per computer. In the past year, Userful’s
ability to minimize wasted computer power has eliminated 29,000* tons
of CO2 emissions, the same as taking more than 5,000 cars off the
road. Reducing the number of computers in use has additional
earth-friendly benefits. Electronic waste is an increasing problem
globally due to the quick obsolescence of electronics. This is
compounded by the fact that computer waste is high in many toxic
materials such as heavy metals and flame-retardant plastics, which
easily leach into ground water and bio-accumulate. Using Userful
products can reduce electronic waste by up to 80%, further decreasing
its environmental footprint.

Need an extra PC around the house this Earth Day? Userful is giving
away a free version of its innovative software that gives you a
second computer for free! This is the perfect way to reduce line-ups
for the computer as spouses, parents and children battle for a turn.

“The free two-user giveaway doubles the utility and value of your
existing computer with minimal cost,” says Griffin, “In fact, if you
already have an extra monitor and keyboard, it’s like getting a free
computer for Earth Day.

The free two-user licenses distributed under this promotion enable
users with an extra video card (or a dual-head video card) to add an
extra workstation by simply plugging in a spare monitor, USB keyboard
and mouse. Thousands of users have obtained free two-user licenses and
information about the promotion from There are two free downloads
available: a Live CD, which lets you turn your PC into 2 independent
workstations without affecting any of the software on your hard-disk,
and one for users already running Linux.