While questions about whether Nokia would venture into tablets remain unanswered, the Finnish smartphone maker has released something close to turning the handsets into tablets.

Nokia rolls out the Reading, a Windows Phone app used for reading e-books on Lumia devices. This app works with all four Lumia models: the 610, 710, 800, and 900.

The Nokia Reading features some discoverability elements, wherein Nokia provides users information about top-selling e-books and new releases. It also comes with predictive search function, text re-sizing, audio book functionality, news feed aggregation, and fonts that are friendly to small screens.

According to Nokia, the countries that will get the first taste of Nokia Reading include France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, and United Kingdom, with others following later this year. The Nokia Reading will be launched with a selection of book titles in local languages (French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and English), compared to Amazon that took its sweet time rolling out the Kindle and its Kindle bookstore in languages other than English.