Apple has named Particle News one of the "Best New Apps" of 2015, it was announced this week. The Apple iTunes Store selected Particle News among a handful of stand-out apps from established companies including Whole Foods, AOL, eBay, BuzzFeed, and Vogue magazine.

Launched by Particle Media, the app helps people easily follow any channel and category of interest to them. Particle News provides integrated search, personalization and recommendations that help people discover a wide range of topics and contents through an elegant user interface (UI).

"I'm honored to see Particle News recognized by Apple as one of the best new apps," said Dr. Jeff Zheng, founding CEO of Particle Media. "It is an amazing achievement considering we are a six-month-old startup, and this is barely the first official launch. We expect a huge lift on the user-experience side in the upcoming version in early October."

Designed for smartphones and other mobile devices, the free app delivers millions of daily articles from tens of thousands of newspapers, magazines, journals and other online sources.

Follow any channel from dozens of broad categories, browse recommended stories, and select favorite topics at any granular level — all at the users' command.
Choose from diverse content in each channel that is personalized and relevant — so the content users select corresponds with what they actually want or might potentially be interested in discovering.
Expand users' interests and broaden the scope of topics people find by recommending personally relevant channels — so they receive not only the most popular stories available online, but also high-quality content related to their specific interests.
Explore thousands of articles and hundreds of topics — not only for "hot," trending and breaking news, but more importantly, for long-tail content.
The Apple iTunes Store's selection of Particle News as one of today's "Best New Apps" solidifies Particle Media's position in the competitive mobile news app space, estimated to become a trillion-dollar market.

"Particle news is working diligently to connect the world through people's interests," said Zheng, formerly head of Search and Recommendation Sciences at Yahoo! Sunnyvale and founding head of Yahoo! Labs, Beijing. "Our patented 'interest engine' is designed to organize web content by numerous fine-grained 'channels' that reflect personal interests. Our mission is to help people discover the most personally relevant content, and eventually become a new generation entry point to the entire web in the mobile Internet era."