is a fresh, new website providing teenagers with valuable information, tools and interaction to encourage them to become more active and take more responsibility for their own health and nutrition. This is an extremely timely introduction as First Lady Michelle Obama recently announced her new ‘Let’s Move’ campaign, combating the epidemic of childhood obesity.

“We are providing real fitness and health tools and information, presented for teens, plus their parents, teachers and coaches,” said Marty Matthews,’s Director. “We want them to understand why and how to have much better fitness and vitality, so they can have great interaction and fun with other teens, while at the same time improving their health. Teens are at a critical stage in their mind and body development and we want to help them establish fitness and health regimens that will benefit them well into their adult lives.”

The Website features:
Fitness and nutrition written just for teens, from medical experts and professional trainers.
Suggested activities to get fit, burn calories and have great fun with others.

Fitness Tracker to help teenagers track their fitness goals and progress.
Media Center which lists relevant teen fitness and health news, plus compelling athletic videos.
Mentors Blog highlighting a few top athletes and celebrities who have achieved their goals and are now giving back through charitable acts and organizations they support. This blog will help inspire and motivate teens to dream then strive to reach their personal goals.
Information and tips for teens’ parents, teachers and coaches.
Dictionary of fitness and health terms.