Amanda Daly is Managing Director of Dalycom in the UK since 2014, the family business she had worked in for over 20 years. The following 2 years they achieved 60% growth. The business became finalists in a number of award categories: Fastest growing SMB, Employee of the year, Family business of the year and Apprentice of the year (Which we won)

Great success sometimes comes at a personal cost.  She had dedicated the last 20 years of her life working as hard as possible, She says about these days. “Very little time with my children. My days were run on coffee and adrenalin. I was living to work, rather than working to live”

The turning point came when she realised she was living on the edge and had missed out on so much family time. Something had to change. She reorganized how the team worked. Delegated. Held people to account and within 6 months had gone from working 60+ hours a week, down to 1 or 2 days a week in the office.

In September 2016, she set up the Turnaround CEO to support entrepreneurs and business owners like herself who have got caught up in the busy trap and whose life has been swallowed up by business. She helps them with focus, sales, business growth and life fulfilment in the process!