Just wrapped up another Cyber Security event! Here are 12 highlights. Check out the recordings if you want the deeper and wider details – just click on the images below to access each session.

  1. If you are not sure you have cyber security nailed down, do not wait any longer. Ignore at your own peril.
  2. Get a PEN assessment test to know what you don’t know. Stop assuming. Need an independent review? Talk to CybernetIQ.
  3. Double down on your WFH game to fill in the gaps. Do it ASAP. Need help? Ask WEBROOT.
  4. If you cannot do security right, partner with someone who does. Carefully vent the partnership details before signing. Check out TPx to see how it’s done right.
  5. No security is complete without proper on-going employee training. This is the biggest failure of most playbooks. Talk to Click Armor for the latest and greatest ways to solve this problem with “gamification”.
  6. Lean on your vendors for help and education. You would be amazed to know just how much amazing support you can get from companies like WEBROOT and HP.
  7. Consider working with your peers, vendors or SOCs to plug your holes in your security stack. Do not fake this one until you make it. Failure here is not an option. Ask us to join a Channel Partner Alliance peer group. Collaborate with link-minded peers to solve any problem. You are not alone.
  8. Educate your clients about why a weak Cyber Security practice is a killer and get them on record, if they ignore your recommendations. Create a simple letter and ask them to read and sign it.
  9. If you just do not have the deep skills in Cyber Security then the most effective way forward is to partner with a MSSP or a SOC. It’s not easy to build and hiring the right experts is a constant battle.
  10. Ensure your house is well protected because you are a major target. MSPs are big attack vectors for hackers. When they get you, they get all of your customers. Besides that being bad news for your clients, it will probably mean your clients will sue you back into the stone age.
  11. Read two books. One from Shane Gibson and Dr. Denis Cauvier “Real Results in a Virtual Economy” and one from a top MSP Michael Contento called The Bottom Line. Both books will give you some solid insights into growing your success.
  12. Check out eChannelNEWS to find lots of insights and solutions to solve everything to do with Cyber Security protection and more! Subscribe and we will keep you up to date automatically – it’s FREE!

Winner of the Lions’ Den and Best Digital Warrior is Fred Proia of HP! Congrats!

Remember to attend ChannelNEXT Virtual events on the last Wednesday of every month to learn, uncover opportunities, network with your peers and have a little fun! See ChannelNEXT for upcoming schedule.

Up next is 2021 Channel Predictions on December 16th. Don’t miss this one as we will also have a virtual Holiday Hangout! Get your ticket now!